Aug 13, 2024 | Activities
One of our members requested ideas for a Circus theme program. This brought back many memories of this delightful theme. When you enter “Circus” in the SEARCH feature in the top of the Music Box menu bar, two forum discussions will come up…and I just added several new things. Share your ideas here too!
This also reminded me of my Merry-Go-Round song on video/DVD. (Try to guess which two children are mine, they are now 26 and 28 years old! haha) Children love this delightful activity as much today as they did back then.
“Click link above video thumbnail”
Like the hula hoop idea for circles? Try it with Sally Go Round the Sun, dropping the hoops on “boom” and tapping on the floor for “Cows in the Meadow” and joyfully repeat!
I am planning on a Mountain concert for my schools and Music Rhapsody classes. There are so many possibilities! Updates coming in Music Box. In case you don’t have it, here’s the book and lesson plan.
Thinking about summer vacation? Come visit me for teacher training in beautiful Redondo Beach, June 29-July 2! (Online teachers, come for half price, returning teachers too!)
This was always one of my most favorite quotes! This still makes me so happy Elizabeth Nuti!
“Thanks for making my dreams come true! I LOOOVED your training. It was better than Disneyland! You are so amazing and it was such a privilege to study with such a pioneer in the early childhood music field.”
Mar 27, 2010
Great for creative movement and dance! Sure to bring smiles to all ages! Each scarf is 26″ square, nylon material and washable. See-through fabric makes this especially fun for young children!
For creative music activities for the scarf, see the Kids Make Music Too! DVD!
11 colorful choices to choose from:
- Dark Blue
- Light Blue
- Yellow
- White
- Dark Purple
- Light Purple
- Dark Green
- Light Green
- Black
- Red
- Orange
Aug 13, 2024 | Activities
Making a rain stick is easy and a bouquet of flowers (rainbow streamers!) is quick and simple! Here’s how easy the streamers are to make:
Gather your old, frayed scarves. This is the only thing you need!
1. Pull on both sides of the tear on your used fraying scarves to make the strips of fabric.
2. Line up the long narrow strips of fabric in assorted colors.
3. Knot the strips on one end (this is what the children “hide” in their hands).
At the end of this video, you see us using the streamers to Carmina Burana, activity from my book/CD Kids Can Listen, Kids Can Move.
Here’s a video playlist of activities that are enhanced by the use of rainsticks and rainbow streamers. The first video is how to make the rainstick.
Here are two more songs that are great with rainbow streamers:
Aug 13, 2024 | Activities
Baby/Toddler Music Classes: I was asked about many questions about baby and toddler music so thought I would give my recommendations for teachers who are new to working with Early Childhood, specifically Baby/Toddler Ages.
- First of all, Get Training ASAP! Why not use the expertise available and offer the very best you can to your youngest students, at a time when you make the biggest difference in their development! Good training will eliminate fails and make the experience positive for you and your families. Online Training is available anytime, anywhere, completely around your schedule. Live training is available in the summer. If you do online, you can attend live for half tuition.
- My Babies Make Music and Toddlers Make Music Lesson Plans have video of every activity. Watch complete lessons to see how to transition. This lets you see classroom set up, how to work with the adults, how to present props and visuals, what instruments are appropriate, parent tips, etc. It also gives you all recordings in order or your lesson playlists, printed music, and lyrics, details plans, and more. Once you complete training, become a Music Rhapsody Member! Its only $25 per month and you will get access immediately. There are FORTY lessons for babies, FORTY lessons for Toddlers, 45 minutes each. Each Module has 10 lessons. (Membership comes with 5 modules included)
- has additional resources that are very helpful, most downloads are free to members! Use the SEARCH feature. Type in Baby. Type in Toddler. Babies. Toddlers. So many helpful discussions and downloads! There’s also many videos, lessons, recordings in Music Box Downloads! This will let you see the variety of activities to include in your classes and give you sample activities. So important is the GATHERING DRUM! I would not want to be without this amazing instrument. Floor games, Folk Dance, Small unpitched baby/tot safe instrument activities, activities for scarves, Beat keeping activities, Activities for Vocal Response. Log into www.lynnkleinersmusicboxcom, click Music Box Downloads. Click on the left menu: Music Downloads. There’s lots of free recordings I use with Babies and Tots:
Shake Those Bells
The Snail and the Mouse
The Grand Old Duke of York
Ladybug Song
Little Red Wagon
Hickory Dickory Dock
There’s also free downloads of the printed music and lyrics, click on Songs (or use the SEARCH feature)
- There’s more youtube videos on the Lynn Kleiner youtube channel.
- Watch an entire workshop with parents and toddlers and print out the detailed lesson plan!
This and lots more in Music Box videos (use the search feature for this category, use baby, toddler, babies, toddlers and see lots of class activities so you see what to expect from these ages.
Aug 13, 2024 | Activities
I can’t believe most of us are in Module 4 now! I know I say this about ALL the modules, but this has so many of my favorites!
The past month or so, the amazing butterfly migration here in Southern California made me smile because The Butterfly is in Module 4! Here’s some Young Musicians (remember, I only have permission to video my studio class, not my elementary schools, so these little sweeties come after school once a week).
And just in case you are curious… the reason we had millions of butterflies is because we had a very unusual amount of rain, which helped produce tons of flowers, thus millions of butterflies came to visit! Happy Spring!
Non-members can find the “Butterfly Song” in our Jungle Beat Book/CD and Concert Plan.
Movement with scarves and unpitched instruments are all part of the creative process.
Here are some Orff ideas!
MEMBERS – Remember you always have access to:
- Online Training
- The latest training book and any new videos/music
- All recordings for lessons – this is MR members only
- Videos of every activity
- 25-40 lessons in 8 age groups are available
- Half price to return to live training
- Members Only Store – CDs/digital downloads/KITS
- Music Box AND access to Lynn and staff whenever you need it!
- Free Concert Plans if you have finished the one in Module 4
Tell a teacher friend about live and online training! If they join, you both get a free download. And for YOU, that could be a FREE MODULE!
Aug 13, 2024 | Activities
Click below to watch two renditions of Turkey Feathers!
First up, a dress with multiple belt loops led this student to her idea for this dancing turkey! (the recording is Turkey Feathers Instrumental version) from Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic. A belt was used in later lessons so scarves could be tucked in at the waist.
The video that follows shows our beloved Turkey Feathers felt set (Lovingly made for us by Dr. Carol McDowell!) on the Felt Board. Surprise: The one doing all the singing has the CD at home!
There are still a few fresh turkeys (puppets) in stock for your Thanksgiving festivities! (NOTE! This big bird is no longer being made so don’t wait if you want one.)
Now it’s time for Holiday Shows! Don’t forget to use the SEARCH feature in Music Box to find what you need for your programs.
Click Ask Lynn Questions if you need help.
Aug 13, 2024 | Classroom Materials
Hello All!
I wanted to share a quick idea with you about using the book “The Very Busy Spider” in your classroom this October! The featured free Music Box download of the moment is “The Very Busy Spider” which includes lesson ideas for ways to accompany the story with fun and spooky movement and music.
Although you can always use your regular colored scarf set, it is fun to collect all of the extra tattered scarf pieces that you have cut off of old scarves (maybe 5 long strands) and tie them together on one end to make a colorful spider silky “web” scarf. You can use these colorful fun scarves for spinning movement with “The Spider Kept on Spinning” song, from the Jungle Beat CD.
Another fun suggestion in the lesson plan is to use finger puppets of the animals in the book for solo singing in the story. You can get all of the animals from the story at
Color copy the pages, cut out, laminate, and make popsicle stick puppets instead!
Enjoy all of the fun activies and E minor Orff accompaniment that go along with this classroom favorite. Have fun!
Love, Lynn Kleiner
Aug 13, 2024 | Activities
Dear Music Box Friends,
Since I am teaching in Southern California, I might not see the changes of the seasons like many of you but I still get excited to bring out my favorite books, puppets and songs for autumn, including Halloween and Thanksgiving fun.I’ll highlight a few of my favorites and then if you have questions, go to the Forum at and I’ll be happy to answer.
It is amazing that I still turn to my old In All Kinds of Weather, Kids Make Music book and CD for all my seasonal favorites. That would be Five Little Leaves this time of year.Whether its toddlers throwing scarves, 6 year olds under the parachute or a beautiful Orff orchestration, this song is a hit year after year!How can I still love this song?Must be the repetition with variety!
I came across a book called When Autumn Falls by Kelli Nidey.This lists things that “fall” during this season.I have the children play from high to low on the Orff instruments, which are already set up in C pentatonic (remove the Fs and Bs) from working on Five Little Leaves.I say “leaves on the trees fall” as I drop different colored silk leaves and encourage the children to gently play from their highest note all the way to the lowest or biggest note.When the leaves are no longer falling, the playing must stop. Have them play from high to low again after you say each line of fall things that “fall.”Examples: football players fall, the temperature falls, children fall into piles of leaves, sunlight falls, rain falls!
I have several favorite fall books.At the top of my list is The Very Busy Spider.Get this free Music Box download to have the song and lesson plan. I love using all my animal puppets for this one. I have a full set of hand puppets for every animal in the story, including our adorable new goat and the amazing rooster. However, if you are not as crazy with your puppet collection as I am, you can easily make the finger puppets which are included in the lesson plan.
Speaking of puppets, the duck and turkey puppets are my favorite for teaching simple rhythms. The activity is in Four Fall Songs for Halloween and Thanksgiving in Downloads under Songs at ATTENTION! If you purchased Rhythm Readers Lessons 5-10, you already have these songs so no need to download! The four songs include solo singing for pitch matching, creating lyrics, playing instruments, movement, a passing game and music vocabulary. These are long time annual favorites of mine for ages 3-8. Titles of songs: I have a little Pumpkin, Halloween is in October (the improved version), Turkeys and Ducks, November. The set of songs is $3.99. As always, if you have any questions about any of the activities, go to Ask Lynn Questions in the Forum.
“The Little Old Lady Who was not Afraid of Anything” is always a hit for sound effects and percussion. For puppets, books and other resources, use your Music Box discount coupon code when ordering from
Music Box members who have recently renewed their membership, thank you!Please remember your $20 download coupon certificate can only be used once so shop around and get your downloads all at once.
See you in the Box!
Aug 13, 2024 | Theme Concerts
Highlights of our “Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic” Concerts.
I am fortunate to have many talented teachers on my staff. We discuss possibilities for our theme with more than enough options for them to use one of my concert plans or design one of their own. The results are many variations of a themed concert. No two concerts are the same. Here are highlights of the Farm theme choices. These are not songs from one concert, but my favorite moments from many concerts we have presented around a Farm theme. Music Box also has detailed concert plans for a Farm Theme program for several different age groups.
That’s the Life of a Farmer – One class has tone blocks dig (scratch) and hoe (scrape), the triangle class played on the “seeds” and our youngest played shaker eggs on “hippity hop” for the rabbits. Amazing how the preschoolers waited for their special verse, keeping their instrument quiet. Everyone plays on “OUT!” on the last verse. Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic, page 51
A mouse lives in a little hole – Hiding behind the hand drums and peeking as indicated in the instrumental accompaniment, then playing the running music with “dancing fingers” on the drum head as our youngest act out the drama of the mouse, running in place, then crouching down as they were at the start of the song, covering their eyes to be back in the hole, then peeking! Precious and they love it.
Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic, page 10
Lots of Worms – generally, just a ton of wiggles, giggles, bringing great joy to all!
Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic, page 25
My Dog Rags – This is one of the kid’s favorites. The audience loves the whistle and all the motions of course, and the uncontrolled barking and howling at the end. We enjoyed using the instrumental accompaniment on the CD.
Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic, page 12
Hunt the Cows – Hilarious snoring! We start by all the children pretending they are asleep. The teacher wakes up everyone by ringing the triangle. The wood instruments play the beat for “Wake up you sleepy heads and go and get the cattle….” The wonderful soft, adagio part is improvised on the metallophones and glockenspiels as everyone is back to sleep by the end of the B section. We did ABABA and ended with lots of “moo-ing” since we found the cattle. Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic, page 8
En la Granja de mi Tio This was a huge hit! Even the preschoolers did a beautiful job with solos, echos and learning the Spanish names of animals, colors and numbers. The pictures and music for this are in a new category called Spanish Music Rhapsody in the store.
(this is from the new Spanish Music Rhapsody CD, track 4)
Who’s That Hatching – In our 3 -5 year old concerts, we had them design a “barn box” to hold their instruments. (We asked for a decorated shoe box but the parents got quite involved and we had elaborate barns made from boxes and cardboard.) After accompanying the song with their rhythm sticks, a group of children were the soloists and had a “hatching” finger puppet in their box. When the mic came to them, they sang “I’m a baby ____.” The children responded “Hello baby ____.”
In All Kinds of Weather, Kids Make Music page 44
I Plant a Little Seed – A group of children were the soloists and did the movement of the poem. After “down comes the cool rain,” they picked up their “play food” or real food item (carrot, apple, lemon, etc) and gradually rose on “Grow, grow, grow!” One at a time, they sang their solos in the microphone “I grew a ________.” Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic, page 18
Turkey Feathers – Lynn pretends she is the turkey! (When I asked the children who wanted to play the part of the turkey who lost his feathers, they all said “You!”) 6 colors of scarves were passed out to soloists. The kids sing “Turkey, turkey, where’s your hair…” as the turkey looks surprised that the feathers are missing. We used a microphone for the soloists. You have to watch the video!
Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic, page 49.
Farm Puppets and the Farm Songs book can be found in the store at
Aug 13, 2024 | Activities
This well-known story lends itself well to experiencing tempo changes as the Little Old Lady walks/runs at different speeds. Use Orff instruments and your Italian music vocabulary (lento, adagio, allegro, presto!, etc.) as the mallets play the part of the feet (reminding them of how our feet take turns, now it’s our arms taking turns)! The children love choosing instruments to play each time their item is named.
Here’s a bit from my story time with a Rhythm Readers class. (If you are a Music Rhapsody Member, use your teacher login to access your plans)
Click link above video thumbnail
It’s so awesome when babies and tots show they understand the music! Check out the picture of this little music maker and I demonstrating the highest notes from “Five Little Leaves” from Toddlers Make Music lesson 7. The song is also found In All Kinds of Weather, Kids Make Music. Felts and scarves make this a huge hit. REPETITION is so important to bring this response as well as language development, we encourage the parents to play the CD at home and in the car.
Holiday Music! Go to Music Box for lots of ideas for holiday lessons. FREE recordings too!
See you in the Box!
Aug 13, 2024 | Early Childhood, Orff Training
Whew! What a week! Adorable costumes and pumpkin singing games.
Now it’s time for our festive November singing games (pitch matching, singing in tune) including NO-VEM-BER and Turkey Feathers! If you are using the Rhythm Readers Pack 1-13 or Four Fall Songs, you have the lesson plans for these.
If you don’t have a fun set of feathers, there’s still time for us to ship you a set. No felt board? We have that too! The kids love putting their feather on the bare turkey. See my favorite felts here.
Just in case you missed it…here’s a Turkey Feather video playlist with 4 ideas how to use this song. With one fun idea, you or a child wear a belt so the (scarves) feathers can be “tucked in.”
Veteran’s Day is November 11. Free Recordings this Week: Go to Music Box for the Deal of the Week. Check out Yankee Doodle and Over There. Four FREE tracks total, which include sing-a-long versions – enjoy!
Lesson Download here.
Want more lessons? More resources? visit MusicBox
Aug 13, 2024 | Activities
Here’s our favorite “must have items” for the best Turkey Activities!
- Shoo Turkey and Turkey Feathers (instrumental track) – Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic
- Turkey Song Pictures – Digital Downloads, from the new Holiday Songs and Winter Adventures
- Turkey Felt Set
- Colorful Scarves and a Belt (tuck the scarves in the belt instead of the loops shown on video!)
- VIDEO ideas for Turkey Feathers for inspiration and fun!
Our animation of entire Turkey Song is coming soon! But enjoy this clip included in this Holiday Songs animation video playlist. You might enjoy sharing some of the animated songs with your classes in the lessons after the holiday shows!
NEW! Rhythm Readers Piano Extension!
An easy introduction to piano for Rhythm Readers students! Short, delightful piano activities that coordinate perfectly with your existing lesson plans.
- Rhythm Readers Lessons 1-13 Weekly Teacher Piano Lesson Plans
- Rhythm Readers Lessons 1-13 Weekly Parent Piano Notes for at home playing fun
How to get these?
Music Rhapsody Members: FREE in Teacher Log in Area, Rhythm Readers Module 1 (1-13)
Music Box Members: Music Box Downloads, Weekly Lessons
Teachers: Find in the Music Rhapsody Shop!
I am so happy to return to working with teachers after a one month “Pumpkin Heart” healing break. Thanks Newport Mesa Unified School District for an awesome first day back!!! Next up, I look forward to seeing teachers at the Virginia Music Educator’s Conference!
Aug 13, 2024 | Activities
Well, here we go, the December crazy times! Many of you know, I am personally trying to spend a little more time relaxing, and the staff in our schools and parents in our studio classes all seem to be looking for ways to stay calm!
Instead of percussion, enjoy the quiet of scarves! Consider Forgotten Dreams from Kids Can Listen, Kids Can Move, imagining a magical holiday as you move with your scarf. Or just lay on the floor and move it above you, or close your eyes and dream.
New in Music Box!
- A NEW free download with a new little song and lesson ideas to bring some calm to the wild ones!
Here’s one of our dear members, Helen, and some very dedicated teachers in action at recent trainings. Take a peek at next summer’s locations… or do online training now and return for half tuition!
Your commitment to learning and dedication to your students is inspiring! Thank you! Wishing all of you beautiful holiday music making!
Aug 13, 2024 | Activities
Dear Music Box Friends,
You know materials are “keepers” when two things happen:
- When the children say “Again! Again!”
- When you look forward to the time of year when you get to present the lesson again!
This week, both happened for the old favorite, Five Little Snowmen, from In All Kinds of Weather, Kids Make Music book/CD. My PreK students LOVED playing the part of the sun (yellow scarves of course!), melting snowmen, or playing the Orff accompaniment. The new SMARTBoard visual just made the introduction of this activity a brand-new experience for me too.
We have a BRAND NEW category in Music Box Downloads: Digital Visuals! You will also find a BRAND NEW item: Digital Counting Set! Here are my 3 and 4-year-olds with their parents trying to play on the beat and concentrate on counting. We are using the old fashion felt board set for this lesson. This is from the Music Rhapsody Membership program.
Stay tuned after the video for a Friday the 13th story!
FREE this week to members from “Stories with Music“: Winter favorites: Froggy Gets Dressed, Snowy Day, Little Penguins Tale, and The Stranger in the Woods (no worries, it’s a snowman).
Aug 13, 2024 | Activities
Healthy Teacher with a Healthy Voice: When you have an awesome lesson plan and the props, instruments and puppets that make kids love your lesson and you love your job, Life is good! Except……this time of year, there are those days when you don’t really want to take back that scarf that has been sneezed on (make that scarves!) or pack up the puppet that got that surprise hug from the little cutie with the runny nose. The coughing child that quickly sat down next to you and then followed you for most of the class is also suspect of causing you an illness by the end of the day. How can we avoid getting sick?
How do we stay healthy so we can continue to do the job we love? First of all, just know that if you are new to teaching, its going to happen. New teachers are sick more often than experienced teachers. Older teachers have had it all already and we are strong fighters now!
Here’s some tips to cut down on the ill effects:
SLEEP! Get a good nights sleep, you just get sick easier if you are not running on your optimum high energy level.
WATER! Drink a lot of water!
EAT WELL! Eat great, fresh food (not processed fast food). Avoid sugar as much as possible.
Speak in a higher, lighter voice, try not to clear your throat. Cough drops are often high in sugar and syrup and not good for you. Try water instead.
Encourage parents to keep their children home if they are sick. Sometimes the ones who are sick at school were given some type of medication at home and then sent to school so the parent can work. This is making more kids (and the staff) sick.
For an article on “Saving Your Voice” and “Voice amplification”, and other tips and articles on this subject, use the Search feature in Music Box.
Aug 13, 2024 | Activities
St. Patricks day music lessons are filled with green and gold, leprechauns, silly songs, limericks and so much music making fun. Enjoy a variety of activities for singing, dancing, listening, playing and creating offered in Music Box! A recorder tune too.
Michael Finnigan: The rhyming words are silly and easy to sing making this Irish favorite a favorite with your students. For older children, there are Orff parts featuring a fun I-V bass part for quick success. Create your own verses for Michael and his family. Be careful, the creativity can get pretty wild! Ha! Music Box Download Link: Michael Finnigan
Cuckoo in the Woods, Kids Can Listen, Kids Can Move Book/CD
Pretend you are Leprechauns hiding. You can have some children pretend to be trees and other pretend to be leprechauns hiding behind the trees. The leprechauns peek out when they hear the clarinet. You could also use scarves. Children can hide behind them and everyone peeks at each other when they hear the clarinet.
Jackson’s Morning Brush is a great Irish song that many of you know from the Brilliant Beginnings CD or for Music Rhapsody Members (which includes Music Box Membership), its included in your weekly lesson playlists. Enjoy drumming to this, use a mallet and pretend you are playing a Bodhran. Tin whistle is easy to play for the children. Music Box Download Link: Irish Music Visuals
Little Leprechaun: This game is a favorite of students, from preschool through grade 4! One person with hide the pot of gold and the leprechaun needs to find it. Students will sing the Little Leprechaun song and use piano/forte and crescendo/diminuendo for clues to the location. Visual cards are included as well as a pot o’ gold! Your students will BEG to play this fun game over and over again. Music Box Download Link: The Little Leprechaun
Shamrocks are Lucky: This is a spirited Irish song and circle activity, perfect for St. Patrick’s Day. By talking about the common Irish instruments, we hope to encourage live music making and introducing the children to a variety of instruments and timbres, which is an important part of our curriculum. Music Box Dowload Link: Shamrocks are Lucky
Irish Music Visuals includes traditional instruments used for Irish music making. Use these Irish music visuals in your classroom, along with the “Shamrocks Are Lucky” lesson plan in Music Box Downloads. Print and laminate.
Cockles and Mussels: This is an easy and very catchy one to sing. It just makes you want to sway back and forth on the strong beat one of and sing with gusto in 3/4 time! I introduce the chorus, then I sing the verses with the children singing the chorus at the end of each verse. This is also a great selection for experienced recorder players. I use the easy key of G, the range is from low D to high D (no F#s).