Hello All!
I wanted to share a quick idea with you about using the book “The Very Busy Spider” in your classroom this October! The featured free Music Box download of the moment is “The Very Busy Spider” which includes lesson ideas for ways to accompany the story with fun and spooky movement and music.
Although you can always use your regular colored scarf set, it is fun to collect all of the extra tattered scarf pieces that you have cut off of old scarves (maybe 5 long strands) and tie them together on one end to make a colorful spider silky “web” scarf. You can use these colorful fun scarves for spinning movement with “The Spider Kept on Spinning” song, from the Jungle Beat CD.
Another fun suggestion in the lesson plan is to use finger puppets of the animals in the book for solo singing in the story. You can get all of the animals from the story at https://musicrhapsody.com/product-category/puppets/
Color copy the pages, cut out, laminate, and make popsicle stick puppets instead!
Enjoy all of the fun activies and E minor Orff accompaniment that go along with this classroom favorite. Have fun!
Love, Lynn Kleiner