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Annual Music Rhapsody Membership With Online Training Package Option


Includes a complimentary subscription to Lynn Kleiner’s Music Box!

Welcome baby, toddler, preschool and elementary music teachers. This is for you!

Purchase orders also available. Please call us at 310-376-8646 or email us at Click here for the monthly membership option!

IMPORTANT: Must either be enrolled in or have completed the in person Professional Development Course or Online Training to be eligible for Music Rhapsody Membership.


Become a Music Rhapsody teacher!

Music Rhapsody Membership is the capstone of all things Music Rhapsody.

 As long as you're a member, you have license to use all content. This includes:

  • ALL sequential curriculum for the school year for all early childhood & elementary age groups.
  • A variety of recordings in order of the playlist for each lesson plan
  • Video of every activity, showing Lynn with her students
  • Printed music and lyrics of every song
  • Lesson-at-a-Glance to post in your classroom
  • Continued access to Lynn Kleiner's Teacher Training videos and materials. Revisit all or part of Training always!
  • The 100+ page Online Training Handbook

Also, you'll get a 10-25% discount in the Music Rhapsody Shop! 

Another benefit is that you now have a Music Box Membership! Our online forum is a wonderful place to get support, ask questions, and share information with Lynn Kleiner and other music teachers. If you're already a current member, it'll be upgraded to complimentary status for the duration of your Music Rhapsody membership.

An exclusive perk for members is access to purchase the Music Rhapsody parent CDs (digital downloads) for a discount. Each age level has 2 CDs.  CD #1 is music from lessons 1-20 and CD #2 is music from lessons 21-40. The children LOVE what they know and repetition also advances language skills as it improves timing, coordination and singing. CD #1 is included with the student instrument kit. If the student is joining your class later in the year during Modules #3 or 4, you can opt to include both CDs with their kit. Our goal is to get the CDs into the hands of the parents and into the life of the child!

Lesson plan modules include songs, recordings for each lesson, lyric sheets, lesson-at-glance, videos of every activity, and printed music used in lessons.

Membership available to all teachers who are enrolled in or completed the in person Professional Development Course with Lynn Kleiner or Online Training. If you haven't checkout out training yet, click here to learn more! It's jam-packed full of how to successfully teach early childhood music education. Training weaves fostering a foundation for a musical life in every aspect of teaching and learning music.

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