So many of us are excited to hear of the warmer weather this weekend. Now its time for some creative melting while playing descending accompaniment on Orff!
Warmer weather and melting snow also reminds me of the time I got to see Subnivean! The melting snow exposed the little City Under the Snow!
The kids LOVE to sing and act out this amazing magical place and learn its for real! Visuals/PowerPoint and lessons are free to members in the curriculum and Music Box.
Huge thanks to Deb Hernandez who took time out to warm my heart! XOXO
“Music Rhapsody has been so life changing for me! I always used many of your resources but after taking your summer training, my whole class has been restructured in a way that makes everything click! Thank you a million times over!”
Dates don’t work for you? Registration is coming soon for training at SMU, Dallas – June 13-15, be the first to know when registration opens. Or you can complete online training anytime!
A Baking/Cooking Theme for Musical Holiday Food lessons!
(Any questions on any of these, just click Ask Lynn on the homepage of Music Box! Not a member? send questions to Lynn is ready to help!)
Bake Some Pies! Check out Music Box Downloads (search or go to the Songs Category) for Pumpkin Pie
What are you baking? Sing or Chant this rhyme, the soloist will let us know what’s in the oven!
1, 2, 3, 4 Play on the beat for the numbers
Coming through the Kitchen Door Play the rhythm of the words
5, 6, 7, 8 Play on the beat for the numbers
Making (bisquits, turkey, muffins, gravy), I can’t wait! Play the rhythm of the words.
How many people are you feeding? How many sausages should we make? (Rhymes for rhythm sticks.)
Lets make two! Tap rhythm sticks while counting “1, 2“
Two little sausages, frying in a pan Quickly rub the smooth stick over the ribbed stick
One went pop Tap the smooth stick on the ribbed stick when you say “pop”
And one went bam! Hit both sticks on the floor
But what if you need four? Tap rhythm sticks while counting 1, 2, 3, 4
Four little sausages, frying in a pan, two went pop and two went bam!
But what if you need six? Tap rhythm sticks while counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Six little sausages, frying in a pan, three went pop and three went bam!
Eight little sausages….etc.
Give students a math challenge….How many are coming for dinner at your house? How many pop? How many bam?
Popcorn, popcorn, put it in a pan Tap sticks 8 times to the beat
Shake it up, shake it up Quickly rub the smooth stick over the ribbed stick
Bam bam bam! Hit both sticks on the floor on each “Bam”
The Bakery Truck (From Kids Make Music, Babies Make Music Too! and Rhythm Readers Lessons and See Music Box Downloads for free visuals and lesson videos. See Lynn’s Youtube Channel for videos of the lesson with students.
Holiday Time must include My Musical Gingerbread Man! Get the free lesson in Music Box Downloads or find the recording and lesson in the book In All Kinds of Weather, Kids Make Music.
Peanut Butter Jelly (great for Orff, solo singing, echos) (From the book/CD My Trip to the Mountains Book/CD),
Apple Tree from Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moosic and Rhythm Readers and Melody Makers lesson plans. The song refers to two things we can make out of apples. But its a lot of fun having students think of what they want to make from apples! Change the words of the song to what the students want to make. I have heard amazing ideas of what to make from the apples:
Apple Pie, Apple Cobbler, Apple Crisp, Apple Crumble, Applesauce, Apple Butter, Apple Fritters, Candy Apples, Apple Pizza, Apple Pancakes, Apple Stuffing, Apple Sausage, Apple Stuffing…..
And for more student decisions, students need to decide (and sing the solos) on what kind of apples and how many. Kinds of Apples? So many! Thousands! Here’s Some: Red Delicious, Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, Fuji, Gala, McIntosh,
Also from Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moosic, guess who wants to come to dinner? My special friend, Donnie the Donkey! You know what happens if you don’t feed him!! Puppets, felts, books with CDS, available at
All Around the Kitchen from lynnkleinersmusicbox and Recorder Rookies lesson plans. Includes “Let’s Spice it Up!” FREE Downloads including the recording in
Bake Some Pies! Check out Music Box FREE Downloads (search or go to the Songs Category) for Pumpkin Pie. includes student hand out, Orff Orchestration, activity ideas.
Many teachers ask, “what do we do when we don’t have snow in the winter months and the curriculum is all about snow and cold weather?” Some even go: “my students can’t relate to snow songs! They’ve never seen it!” We think this is a great opportunity to share pictures and props and let the learning about other climates happen!
Music Rhapsody is in Southern California by the beach. We don’t get snow but that doesn’t stop us from pretending we do! Classroom props are our best friend during the winter months. Here are some snowy ideas on how to create a winter wonderland in your classroom! Download our mini workshopfrom October 2022 for more on this topic.
Let It Snow!
Cotton balls and a parachute are great to make it snow in the classroom. Cotton balls are easy to pick up and use again and again. Use recorded music such as “ Let it Snow. ” (Composer Jule Styne and lyricist Sammy Cahn)
Paper Plate Ice Skates
“Ice skating” on the thin, cheap paper (not plastic!) plates is always fun (works well on carpet). Skating from A Charlie Brown Christmas by Vince Guaraldi is awesome for paper plate skating! Consider forward and backwards, spinning, figure eight, etc!
Paper Snowflakes
Use props like paper snowflakes for rhythmic notation for snow songs such as Snow (Yuki) and White Feathers from In All Kinds of Weather Kids Make Music and Each Little Snowflake from Holiday Songs and Winter Adventures. Music Rhapsody Members, Snow (Yuki) can be found in your Big Kids and Young Musicians curriculum in your member area.
Snow Cloud and White Feathers
Wrap a strip of white fur around a hand (frame) drum and fill with white feathers. When the feathers fall, the children play their instruments (I like metals such as finger cymbals, triangles, metallophones and glockenspiels for sparkly, glistening music!). See In All Kinds of Weather Kids Make Music for the song and activity White Feathers. Music Rhapsody Members, this activity can be found in your Big Kids and Young Musicians curriculum in your member area.
Puppets Galore!
Wintery puppets like the snowy owl are great additions to help to present and lead snow activities. Snowy the Owl is a must have prop to present and direct snow activities. Also great for pitch matching!
Our new animated videos, recordings with and without vocals and simple props and movement, make it easier for remote and live performances. Here’s a look at Stars from my Holiday Songs and Winter Adventures book! Share this with your students and families and check out Dancing and Singing with Colored Stars, free in Music Box.
Last week, there were some technical issues with our Sally Go Round The Sun followed by the Power Point tips and tricks video. Sorry! The video link is now working.
Music Rhapsody members, check out this week’s remote lessons in your teacher area! Thank you for your feedback on our member survey. It’s so helpful to hear your thoughts!
Here’s another character from my new book, Holiday Songs and Winter Adventures! Vinnie the Vole lives with friends and family under the snow in the song “Subnivean”.
This topic is so exciting (there’s several predators!) to learn about, but it is also great for playing Orff and percussion, singing, creating, and of course acting too!