So many of us are excited to hear of the warmer weather this weekend. Now its time for some creative melting while playing descending accompaniment on Orff! Warmer weather and melting snow also reminds me of the time I got to see Subnivean! The melting snow exposed...
Valentine’s Day Songs & Stories
Kids Favorite Valentines Dance
This week, I’m highlighting one of the kids most favorite mixers. This Valentine dance has the sweetest lyrics: Heel Toe on the Line, Will you be a friend of mine? (or Will you be my Valentine?). The video is included in this Valentine/Friendship/Love...
Valentine Music for Preschool and Elementary
February is the time, For lessons to have Valentines! Music Box will show you how, Just use the search and see it now! Videos, forums, downloads too, All kinds of lessons designed for you. Tell your teacher friends, happy day, Lynn has a special gift coming your way....