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Snowmen singing, moving, and playing — winter bliss!

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Activities

Hi folks!

Take a listen to some of our students singing and playing this snowman classic! Accompanying visuals are also available with Orff orchestration, both free in Music Box this week (you can use the visuals either as a PowerPoint or print them).

Five Little Snowmen Video

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Movement activity: varies depending on the age of your students.

For the youngest, all the children play the snowman, all melting at the end of each verse. Remind them to slowly lower, bending their knees, melting as the teacher plays the descending notes, followed with the last measure with the teacher playing glockenspiel and singing, “Now you all stand up!”.

For older students, form a group or groups of 5 snowmen, melting one by one. Others play the Orff instruments. The last measure can be improvised if the exact notes are too challenging.

Music Rhapsody Members, this is in your Big Kids and Young Musicians Make Music Module 2 lessons/videos.

Just in case you were on vacation when the word went out, there’s a new set of elementary lesson plans available! Find it here.

Online Teacher Training starts up again next week! Train in your comfy clothes, when and where it works for you. And when you need help, there’s a coach ready! 

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Don’t forget: anyone who has done online or live training in the past has the opportunity to come to our Los Angeles or New York City training for half tuition!

As always, click “Ask Lynn” if you have questions.

Looking forward to another year of making music together,


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