Receive 4 theme books including 4 CDs. These valuable resources go along with the weekly plans on Music Box. You can also purchase a set to give as gifts.
Little Folk VisualsBeginner’s Counting Set. FROGS, LADY BUGS, KITTENS, SNOWMEN and MORE!
This set is a basic staple for our teacher tool bag! Here’s a few of Lynn Kleiner’s favorites.
“Ten Little Froggies” Jungle Beat Book page 30 Join the fun with counting, playing and moving! Perfect for when your kids are especially ACTIVE!
Using the In All Kinds of Weather, Kids Make Music CD and teacher’s book, You will love using your felts for these lessons:
“5 Little Jackolanterns” page 17
“5 Little Snowmen” page 35. So precious to play the melting music on our little glockenspiels as they slowly sink into a puddle!
“Ladybugs” page 28
This cute little Turtle is used in “Songs of the Sea“. The head retracts into the shell for the activity “I know you’re hiding in there” from Kids Make Music, Babies Make Music Too!
Holiday Singalong – Choosing songs for maximum participation of youngest to oldest
Looking for that emotional connection with your audience and students? Consider a singalong! When looking for an easy multi-generational song to end your holiday program, here’s a few things to consider.
Repetition! The more repetition of the lyrics, the more participation – especially from your youngest singers and your audience! (I’m thinking of those 2 year olds and 80+)
Well Known Songs – We love what we know – Like an old friend coming back!
Easy Range An octave or less
Has a refrain or chorus Something to sing after the children sing their rehearsed line or verse
Here’s some lyrics from the easiest choices
This little light of mine,
I’m gonna let it shine!
This little light of mine,
I’m gonna let it shine!
This little light of mine,
I’m gonna let it shine,
Let it shine, let it shine,
Let it shine!
FELIZ NAVIDAD (Sing-A-Long Lyrics)
Feliz Navidad.
Feliz Navidad.
Feliz Navidad.
Prospero ano y Felicidad.
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas (3 times)
From the bottom of my heart.
Repeat first section
It’s a world of laughter, A world of tears
It’s a world of hopes, And a world of fears
There’s so much that we share
That it’s time we’re aware
It’s a small world after all.
Children and Audience
It’s a small world after all (3 times)
It’s a small, small world
Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way
Oh what fun, it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh HEY!
(Repeat Jingle bells)
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
And a happy new year!
Deck the Halls
Kids: Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Audience and Kids: Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la (Kids add silly movement)
(continue same form below)
‘Tis the season to be jolly
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la Don we now our gay apparel
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
Troll the ancient Yule-tide carol
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Sign up to receive weekly activities, tips & tricks, notices of new videos, workshops, resources & more in your inbox!
Baby/Toddler Music Classes: I was asked about many questions about baby and toddler music so thought I would give my recommendations for teachers who are new to working with Early Childhood, specifically Baby/Toddler Ages.
First of all, Get Training ASAP! Why not use the expertise available and offer the very best you can to your youngest students, at a time when you make the biggest difference in their development! Good training will eliminate fails and make the experience positive for you and your families. Online Training is available anytime, anywhere, completely around your schedule. Live training is available in the summer. If you do online, you can attend live for half tuition.
My Babies Make Music and Toddlers Make Music Lesson Plans have video of every activity. Watch complete lessons to see how to transition. This lets you see classroom set up, how to work with the adults, how to present props and visuals, what instruments are appropriate, parent tips, etc. It also gives you all recordings in order or your lesson playlists, printed music, and lyrics, details plans, and more. Once you complete training, become a Music Rhapsody Member! Its only $25 per month and you will get access immediately. There are FORTY lessons for babies, FORTY lessons for Toddlers, 45 minutes each. Each Module has 10 lessons. (Membership comes with 5 modules included) has additional resources that are very helpful, most downloads are free to members! Use the SEARCH feature. Type in Baby. Type in Toddler. Babies. Toddlers. So many helpful discussions and downloads! There’s also many videos, lessons, recordings in Music Box Downloads! This will let you see the variety of activities to include in your classes and give you sample activities. So important is the GATHERING DRUM! I would not want to be without this amazing instrument. Floor games, Folk Dance, Small unpitched baby/tot safe instrument activities, activities for scarves, Beat keeping activities, Activities for Vocal Response. Log into www.lynnkleinersmusicboxcom, click Music Box Downloads. Click on the left menu: Music Downloads. There’s lots of free recordings I use with Babies and Tots:
Shake Those Bells
The Snail and the Mouse
The Grand Old Duke of York
Ladybug Song
Little Red Wagon
Hickory Dickory Dock
There’s also free downloads of the printed music and lyrics, click on Songs (or use the SEARCH feature)
Watch an entire workshop with parents and toddlers and print out the detailed lesson plan!
This and lots more in Music Box videos (use the search feature for this category, use baby, toddler, babies, toddlers and see lots of class activities so you see what to expect from these ages.
Wow, just in time for a Mother’s Day celebration, my son and I finished 38 recordings with vocals and accompaniment tracks for my upcoming book Holiday Songs and Winter Adventures! I’m so excited!
And, to make it an EXTRA happy Mother’s Day for me, my daughter is here in Los Angeles because she’s playing with the Los Angeles Philharmonic the next two weeks.
Whether you are a mom or not, you are all raising musical children, so Happy Mother’s Day!
This song has been a great one for the end of the year kindergarten graduation. Give some love and thanks to the parents, principals, and anyone else who has helped along the way. The download includes 4 recordings (slow, fast, slow instrumental, fast instrumental), movement directions, lyrics and music. Find it here.
As always, Music Box members, use your coupon code for 25% off or purchase directly from Music Box Downloads.
Need more ideas for Kindergarten Graduation and end of the year celebrations? Use the SEARCH feature in Music Box and you find all sorts of fun options!
Oh no, little music maker!!! Don’t throw that maraca!
When your little music maker throws their instrument – those of us working with young children know this is something that usually comes up! Visit Music Box and share how you could handle this or read what’s there now. There are plenty of other great forums there too!
A Baking/Cooking Theme for Musical Holiday Food lessons!
(Any questions on any of these, just click Ask Lynn on the homepage of Music Box! Not a member? send questions to Lynn is ready to help!)
Bake Some Pies! Check out Music Box Downloads (search or go to the Songs Category) for Pumpkin Pie
What are you baking? Sing or Chant this rhyme, the soloist will let us know what’s in the oven!
1, 2, 3, 4 Play on the beat for the numbers
Coming through the Kitchen Door Play the rhythm of the words
5, 6, 7, 8 Play on the beat for the numbers
Making (bisquits, turkey, muffins, gravy), I can’t wait! Play the rhythm of the words.
How many people are you feeding? How many sausages should we make? (Rhymes for rhythm sticks.)
Lets make two! Tap rhythm sticks while counting “1, 2“
Two little sausages, frying in a pan Quickly rub the smooth stick over the ribbed stick
One went pop Tap the smooth stick on the ribbed stick when you say “pop”
And one went bam! Hit both sticks on the floor
But what if you need four? Tap rhythm sticks while counting 1, 2, 3, 4
Four little sausages, frying in a pan, two went pop and two went bam!
But what if you need six? Tap rhythm sticks while counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Six little sausages, frying in a pan, three went pop and three went bam!
Eight little sausages….etc.
Give students a math challenge….How many are coming for dinner at your house? How many pop? How many bam?
Popcorn, popcorn, put it in a pan Tap sticks 8 times to the beat
Shake it up, shake it up Quickly rub the smooth stick over the ribbed stick
Bam bam bam! Hit both sticks on the floor on each “Bam”
The Bakery Truck (From Kids Make Music, Babies Make Music Too! and Rhythm Readers Lessons and See Music Box Downloads for free visuals and lesson videos. See Lynn’s Youtube Channel for videos of the lesson with students.
Holiday Time must include My Musical Gingerbread Man! Get the free lesson in Music Box Downloads or find the recording and lesson in the book In All Kinds of Weather, Kids Make Music.
Peanut Butter Jelly (great for Orff, solo singing, echos) (From the book/CD My Trip to the Mountains Book/CD),
Apple Tree from Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moosic and Rhythm Readers and Melody Makers lesson plans. The song refers to two things we can make out of apples. But its a lot of fun having students think of what they want to make from apples! Change the words of the song to what the students want to make. I have heard amazing ideas of what to make from the apples:
Apple Pie, Apple Cobbler, Apple Crisp, Apple Crumble, Applesauce, Apple Butter, Apple Fritters, Candy Apples, Apple Pizza, Apple Pancakes, Apple Stuffing, Apple Sausage, Apple Stuffing…..
And for more student decisions, students need to decide (and sing the solos) on what kind of apples and how many. Kinds of Apples? So many! Thousands! Here’s Some: Red Delicious, Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, Fuji, Gala, McIntosh,
Also from Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moosic, guess who wants to come to dinner? My special friend, Donnie the Donkey! You know what happens if you don’t feed him!! Puppets, felts, books with CDS, available at
All Around the Kitchen from lynnkleinersmusicbox and Recorder Rookies lesson plans. Includes “Let’s Spice it Up!” FREE Downloads including the recording in
Bake Some Pies! Check out Music Box FREE Downloads (search or go to the Songs Category) for Pumpkin Pie. includes student hand out, Orff Orchestration, activity ideas.
Many teachers ask, “what do we do when we don’t have snow in the winter months and the curriculum is all about snow and cold weather?” Some even go: “my students can’t relate to snow songs! They’ve never seen it!” We think this is a great opportunity to share pictures and props and let the learning about other climates happen!
Music Rhapsody is in Southern California by the beach. We don’t get snow but that doesn’t stop us from pretending we do! Classroom props are our best friend during the winter months. Here are some snowy ideas on how to create a winter wonderland in your classroom! Download our mini workshopfrom October 2022 for more on this topic.
Let It Snow!
Cotton balls and a parachute are great to make it snow in the classroom. Cotton balls are easy to pick up and use again and again. Use recorded music such as “ Let it Snow. ” (Composer Jule Styne and lyricist Sammy Cahn)
Paper Plate Ice Skates
“Ice skating” on the thin, cheap paper (not plastic!) plates is always fun (works well on carpet). Skating from A Charlie Brown Christmas by Vince Guaraldi is awesome for paper plate skating! Consider forward and backwards, spinning, figure eight, etc!
Paper Snowflakes
Use props like paper snowflakes for rhythmic notation for snow songs such as Snow (Yuki) and White Feathers from In All Kinds of Weather Kids Make Music and Each Little Snowflake from Holiday Songs and Winter Adventures. Music Rhapsody Members, Snow (Yuki) can be found in your Big Kids and Young Musicians curriculum in your member area.
Snow Cloud and White Feathers
Wrap a strip of white fur around a hand (frame) drum and fill with white feathers. When the feathers fall, the children play their instruments (I like metals such as finger cymbals, triangles, metallophones and glockenspiels for sparkly, glistening music!). See In All Kinds of Weather Kids Make Music for the song and activity White Feathers. Music Rhapsody Members, this activity can be found in your Big Kids and Young Musicians curriculum in your member area.
Puppets Galore!
Wintery puppets like the snowy owl are great additions to help to present and lead snow activities. Snowy the Owl is a must have prop to present and direct snow activities. Also great for pitch matching!
I have many requests for assistance with holiday shows from my own teaching staff, from preschools and elementary schools, as well as Music Rhapsody and Music Box members. Last week, one of our school’s director had a request. “Lynn, can you help us plan a holiday program that is from our Music Rhapsody curriculum? We love the weekly activities your teacher has introduced from the lesson plans. We want the parents to see what the children do in their music classes.” For me, this is An Early Childhood Holiday Concert DREAM COME TRUE! Let’s not just get in the new school year lesson groove and then shut it all down to work on nothing but holiday songs (often the songs they want are too difficult, too long or out of range for young children).
I am sharing the songs we selected from 3 different age levels of Music Rhapsody’s Module 2 lesson plan levels used by this school.
If you are reading this and not yet a member, I’d love to have you learn more about the online training and membershipbenefits and join our special group of Music Educators who love an ACTIVE approach!
Ev’ry Morning All Classes sing our Hello Song.
Since our classes typically sit for this song, in the lessons the month before the concert, we will be standing up (We use masking tape on the floor to keep us in straight lines.) Clap hands (going from low to high for each note as the melody goes up) on “oh child-ren” and then stamp one foot, then the other on “oh yea” which goes high to low on G to low C. We can pat the beat the rest of the time. Added verse: “Time for a concert, time for a concert, have a new song to sing…”
(See, SEARCH for Ev’ry Morning When I Wake Up, and find it FREE in Music Box Downloads, Hello/Goodbye Songs.
Kids Make Music, wearing little clown collars
Little Clown/He’s Dancin’ All Around/Down Down…..Repeat the set of these, then end with Little Clown. A fantastic little holiday story can be added here, “The Toymaker’s Clowns.” Use the SEARCH feature in to find the detailed script with music as well as a video of a performance by some precious little music makers! (In Music Box, Click “Got Questions, Ask Lynn” if you need my help finding anything!)
Big Kids Classes, (class #1) with shakers. Farmer Brown’s Cow use the shaker as a “microphone” during the verses (be sure to use the Farmer Brown Visuals to help remember the words and show what verse you are singing)
Big Kids Classes, (class #2) with jingle bells. Now My Bells are Up/Jingle Bells Where are You/Jingle Bells Chorus (repeat the set) If this is going well, we will add Five Little Jingle Bells. Ukulele to accompany.
Young Musicians with hand drums –
Shoo Turkey Hand taps the drum on “Yes Ma’am” and “So So” For the second section, we swish on drum for “shoo turkey.” A few solos will show how we work on pitch matching for “yes ma’am.” Music Rhapsody’s Turkey Puppet will make a special appearance during the repeat of the song. We will use the instrumental version of the song (repeated) from the Farm Songs CD.
Angel Band (will give them the option of adding a homemade garland halo using the rainbow mallet) – A section: Tap the drums on the numbers, B Section: Free play, C section shows playing the steady beat during “Wasn’t that a Band….” We will have a short demonstration of soloists, each taking a number. For example: Soloist 1 “There was one,” Soloist 2 “There were two” Soloist 3 “There were 3.” Etc.
We will end our concert with all classes singing this year’s goodbye song.
Goodbye Song, the students should be practicing this standing as well, showing the sad face after the first long phrase ends with “music time is done,” and then they shout (“YEA”) and one arm up after “we had lots of fun!”. Next, they sing “he would weep, if his symphony put you to sleep, Papa Haydn wrote this song, not too short and not too long.” This, and all our “orchestral” goodbye songs come from Kids Can Listen, Kids Can Move.
Click below to watch two renditions of Turkey Feathers!
First up, a dress with multiple belt loops led this student to her idea for this dancing turkey! (the recording is Turkey Feathers Instrumental version) from Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic. A belt was used in later lessons so scarves could be tucked in at the waist.
The video that follows shows our beloved Turkey Feathers felt set (Lovingly made for us by Dr. Carol McDowell!) on the Felt Board. Surprise: The one doing all the singing has the CD at home!
There are still a few fresh turkeys (puppets) in stock for your Thanksgiving festivities! (NOTE! This big bird is no longer being made so don’t wait if you want one.)
Now it’s time for Holiday Shows! Don’t forget to use the SEARCH feature in Music Box to find what you need for your programs.
A few props can add so much to your Holiday Concert. Whether its inviting parents to the classroom for some songs or having the kids up on stage, adding just one “theme” item will bump up the “Ah, so precious” factor. It will make for some adorable photos too! Here’s a few ideas:
Wear a gold “Halo” made out of garland for the “Angel Band,” make white ones for the “Snow Songs”
Hold a little gingerbread man for the “Musical Gingerbread” (See last weeks Newsletter)
Have the children make their own holiday head band, perhaps sponge white paint on dark blue or glue foam snowflakes on it for their Snow song
Check out this video to see the sweet props and costumes used for our “Toy Maker’s Clowns” (This video is only available in Music Box) The “Toy Maker’s Clowns” script can be found for FREE in Music Box Downloads.
You can search for songs and props in the SEARCH feature in Music Box. If you don’t find what you need, just click “Ask Lynn!“
Many of us doing the ages 3-6 year lesson plans from Music Rhapsody and Music Box membership have been enjoying frogs! Froggy Goes to School, Jump Frog Jump, Ten Little Froggies from Jungle Beat, and more. Here is another video of the Jump Frog Jump activity with my 4-6 year olds using instruments from our Young Musicians Instrument Kit.
And now….time for the Facebook drawing to see who won our froggy packet on facebook! Drum roll please………………….
Just a reminder to our new members and those of you who would like a little more info on what is available, take a little tour with Eric. You can also contact Eric for any additional questions.
Daily Rewards! I had a question from one of my schools. Will you be doing “Somebody’s Knockin? We really love that one”. These frequent requests for my songs make me feel so grateful. The lessons and materials that I did so long ago, this one is in my first book, Kids Make Music, Babies Make Music Too, are still loved and requested. So much has changed but giving a child the gift of music from a creative playful approach still has the same rich rewards.
As as a thank you to all of you, free to our MB members this week: a new way to introduce Somebody’s Knockin’ PowerPoint/SMARTboard visuals! Of course, the children LOVE singing solos for all my rhyming puppets for the solo singing. How many rhyming animals can you find? See the end to find out who is knockin’!
I love seasonal activities. Students learn a lot more than music and are so excited about the lesson. Winter stories will warm up the music room with movement, instruments and singing. These are the annual ones that I enjoy during the winter months:
Froggy Gets Dressed Did YOU forget to put something on? If you don’t have this lesson plan, you can find it in DOWNLOADS, under the category, “Stories with Music”. Don’t our 4 and-5 year olds just laugh hysterically over the word “underwear”? Too funny!
Another in the Downloads category, “Stories with Music” for the winter is Snowy Day. Hopefully you have Kids Can Listen, Kids Can Move so have the recording of Forgotten Dreams, a beautiful piece by Leroy Anderson.
The Little Penguins Tale, is a precious story book for winter. Detailed lesson plans for these three stories are available in in Music Box Downloads, click Stories with Music. Options for Orff, movement, singing and more.
Here’s a few favorites from the book and CD In All Kinds of Weather, Kids Make Music:
Warm Wendall – make the felts from the back of the book or dress up and act it out yourself. Great for unpitched percussion.
Five Little Snowman, Snow (Yuki) – There is an Orff accompaniment for both of these songs The counting felt set from (use your MB coupon if you order) has snowmen so I use the felt board when we do the Orff part to show the snowmen melt and see what verse we are singing next. (I use this set for so many songs!)
Go to Music Box Videos and be inspired to go ice skating using paper plates or get the cotton balls and parachute and be prepared for a big snow fall.
Lots more winter fun, don’t forget to use the SEARCH function to see some inspiring winter lesson ideas.
I love seasonal activities. Students learn a lot more than music and are so excited about the lesson. Winter stories will warm up the music room with movement, instruments and singing. These are the annual ones that I enjoy during the winter months:
Froggy Gets Dressed Did YOU forget to put something on? If you don’t have this lesson plan, you can find it in DOWNLOADS, under the category, “Stories with Music”. Don’t our 4 and-5 year olds just laugh hysterically over the word “underwear”? Too funny!
Another in the Downloads category, “Stories with Music” for the winter is Snowy Day. Hopefully you have Kids Can Listen, Kids Can Move so have the recording of Forgotten Dreams, a beautiful piece by Leroy Anderson.
The Little Penguins Tale, is a precious story book for winter. Detailed lesson plans for these three stories are available in in Music Box Downloads, click Stories with Music. Options for Orff, movement, singing and more.
Here’s a few favorites from the book and CD In All Kinds of Weather, Kids Make Music:
Warm Wendall – make the felts from the back of the book or dress up and act it out yourself. Great for unpitched percussion.
Five Little Snowman, Snow (Yuki) – There is an Orff accompaniment for both of these songs The counting felt set from (use your MB coupon if you order) has snowmen so I use the felt board when we do the Orff part to show the snowmen melt and see what verse we are singing next. (I use this set for so many songs!)
Go to Music Box Videos and be inspired to go ice skating using paper plates or get the cotton balls and parachute and be prepared for a big snow fall.
Lots more winter fun, don’t forget to use the SEARCH function to see some inspiring winter lesson ideas.
I love seasonal activities. Students learn a lot more than music and are so excited about the lesson. Winter stories will warm up the music room with movement, instruments and singing. These are the annual ones that I enjoy during the winter months:
Froggy Gets Dressed Did YOU forget to put something on? If you don’t have this lesson plan, you can find it in DOWNLOADS, under the category, “Stories with Music”. Don’t our 4 and-5 year olds just laugh hysterically over the word “underwear”? Too funny!
Another in the Downloads category, “Stories with Music” for the winter is Snowy Day. Hopefully you have Kids Can Listen, Kids Can Move so have the recording of Forgotten Dreams, a beautiful piece by Leroy Anderson.
The Little Penguins Tale, is a precious story book for winter. Detailed lesson plans for these three stories are available in in Music Box Downloads, click Stories with Music. Options for Orff, movement, singing and more.
Here’s a few favorites from the book and CD In All Kinds of Weather, Kids Make Music:
Warm Wendall – make the felts from the back of the book or dress up and act it out yourself. Great for unpitched percussion.
Five Little Snowman, Snow (Yuki) – There is an Orff accompaniment for both of these songs The counting felt set from (use your MB coupon if you order) has snowmen so I use the felt board when we do the Orff part to show the snowmen melt and see what verse we are singing next. (I use this set for so many songs!)
Go to Music Box Videos and be inspired to go ice skating using paper plates or get the cotton balls and parachute and be prepared for a big snow fall.
Lots more winter fun, don’t forget to use the SEARCH function to see some inspiring winter lesson ideas.
Since I am teaching in Southern California, I might not see the changes of the seasons like many of you but I still get excited to bring out my favorite books, puppets and songs for autumn, including Halloween and Thanksgiving fun.I’ll highlight a few of my favorites and then if you have questions, go to the Forum at and I’ll be happy to answer.
It is amazing that I still turn to my old In All Kinds of Weather, Kids Make Music book and CD for all my seasonal favorites. That would be Five Little Leaves this time of year.Whether its toddlers throwing scarves, 6 year olds under the parachute or a beautiful Orff orchestration, this song is a hit year after year!How can I still love this song?Must be the repetition with variety!
I came across a book called When Autumn Falls by Kelli Nidey.This lists things that “fall” during this season.I have the children play from high to low on the Orff instruments, which are already set up in C pentatonic (remove the Fs and Bs) from working on Five Little Leaves.I say “leaves on the trees fall” as I drop different colored silk leaves and encourage the children to gently play from their highest note all the way to the lowest or biggest note.When the leaves are no longer falling, the playing must stop. Have them play from high to low again after you say each line of fall things that “fall.”Examples: football players fall, the temperature falls, children fall into piles of leaves, sunlight falls, rain falls!
I have several favorite fall books.At the top of my list is The Very Busy Spider.Get this free Music Box download to have the song and lesson plan. I love using all my animal puppets for this one. I have a full set of hand puppets for every animal in the story, including our adorable new goat and the amazing rooster. However, if you are not as crazy with your puppet collection as I am, you can easily make the finger puppets which are included in the lesson plan.
Speaking of puppets, the duck and turkey puppets are my favorite for teaching simple rhythms. The activity is in Four Fall Songs for Halloween and Thanksgiving in Downloads under Songs at ATTENTION! If you purchased Rhythm Readers Lessons 5-10, you already have these songs so no need to download! The four songs include solo singing for pitch matching, creating lyrics, playing instruments, movement, a passing game and music vocabulary. These are long time annual favorites of mine for ages 3-8. Titles of songs: I have a little Pumpkin, Halloween is in October (the improved version), Turkeys and Ducks, November. The set of songs is $3.99. As always, if you have any questions about any of the activities, go to Ask Lynn Questions in the Forum.
Music Box members who have recently renewed their membership, thank you!Please remember your $20 download coupon certificate can only be used once so shop around and get your downloads all at once.