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Holiday Concert Traditions

One of the reasons Music Box has been created is so I can share answers to some of the questions I have been answering for years and years. One of those is “What can I do for my preschool/kindergarten holiday concert?I’ll also hear, “and it can’t be Christmas or Hanukah”.There are wonderful winter songs and even year round songs that can be done in a festive way for the holiday show.For example, Stars are Twinkling, from Kids make Music, Babies Make Music Too! has been a favorite in Music Rhapsody classes since the 1980s.   But for our holiday open house, we make stars out of construction paper, add some glitter, add a craft stick and you have a beautiful prop to move to the melody direction of the song.Of course, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star has to follow.I will list more ideas on the Music Box Forum under Holiday Concert ideas and teacher’s can add their own successes too.

The Farm Set

The Farm Set

This set is used for lots of  Lynn’s long time favorites!  From Kids Make Music, Babies make music Too!  “Come to the Farm”; Book page 29 (try Lynn Kleiner hand drums and tone blocks for this one!)  “When Sheep get up in the Morning”; Book page 96 and for shaker fun (Lynn Kleiner maracas and shaker eggs),  Cock-A-Doodle Doo! All  found on “More Kids Make Music CD” From the adored Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic, the Farm Set gives you all the animals you need for “Bought me a Cat”, page 14 and “Farmer Brown’s Cow” page 6.

Kids Make Music® Finger Cymbals

Kids Make Music® Finger Cymbals


  • Early childhood music education
  • Developed in conjunction with REMO
  • Produce a full sound
  •  2.4″ brass cymbals with attached nylon finger rings


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