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Newsletter 5.19.16

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Activities

Dear Music Box Friends,

As our school year is winding down, I am on the lookout for what to do next school year. How about some fresh, active, exciting lesson plans? These lessons are designed with the student and teacher in mind. The lessons are engaging and make classroom management a breeze! This active approach to teaching empowers students to be successful. Be on the lookout this summer for special packs of plans including preschool, TK, K, grades 1-3, including beginning recorder lessons with stories.


Have you heard our Dvorak goodbye song? I highly recommend this hit.  Check out our 3-5 year olds singing it at the end of their Jungle Beat concert.  It’s not easy singing at a slow tempo when you are this age. Check out this Music Box download for the music, lyrics, and pictures.  

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When your young students are concentrating on their playing parts, it is hard to keep track of the lyrics especially when there are several verses.  Ladybugs, from In All Kinds of Weather, Kids Make Music is a perfect example.  It features dancing ladybugs, rainsticks, wind and thunder tube, and Orff Instruments.  In a concert setting, the text should be clear so the audience can hear the story.  This week, we had a request for visuals for this song to assist with this challenge.  As you conduct the pattern for the Orff orchestration, I often ask the classroom teachers to hold up the visuals to cue the lyrics for each verse.  This works beautifully when combining grade levels.  The youngest are the dancers, the middle group does the unpitched, and the oldest does the Orff orchestration.  This week, members of Music Box have this free download available in PowerPoint and as a PDF. For the concert, I suggest copying the visuals on cardstock and laminating or projecting the visual on the back wall of your performance space.  Click here to download the newest recording of Ladybugs with Orff accompaniment.


Have you registered for the best four days of the summer? Join me for our Jam packed Teaching Trainings across the country. You get an 80+ page course book that is filled with lessons, music, student sheets, visuals, orchestrations and more! Take advantage of our $599 tuition price before to goes up May 31 to $649! Upon completion, you will receive a certification that will show 28 hours of professional development which qualifies you for Music Rhapsody membership.


Our Music Box downloads continue to grow because of you! If there is something you are looking for, don’t hesitate to ask. We love helping out and posting things that you need and want. You can post in the Ask Lynn Forum at any time.


Happy Music Making,


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