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Newsletter 4.30.16

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Activities

Dear Music Box Friends,

Over the next several weeks, I will be suggesting some activities for those last few lessons of the school year.  The last lesson or two can be a bit of a challenge for teachers, but it can be a joyful celebration and memorable if you choose some new activities or the student’s favorites.

“Request Day” is something I refer to with my classes, allowing the students to discuss with each other and come up with a few favorites for us for the last lesson or two for the school year. To properly prepare, I need them to decide ahead of time in case there are props, notes, special instruments I need to obtain, set up, etc.  One of the most popular answers is “NAUGHTY CHICKS!” from Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic!   I highly recommend this if you have not introduced it or repeat it for a huge favorite at the end of the school year.  The other popular one from Farm Songs is a percussion circle for Shoo Turkey.  Wonderful for ages 4-8.

Percussion Circles or Drum Circles are a very festive way to end the year.  Just type one of these in the SEARCH feature in Music Box and you will find many suggestions!  As always, just click Ask Lynn Questions if you need help.


This week, I’d like to highlight a few Stories with Music.  If you have not done Five Little Monkeys Make a Birthday CakeFerdinandor the Very Busy Spider with your Pre-K, Kindergarten or First Grade, they would love these active music-making stories.  Everyone has several parts to play, so much fun! Click on the books above to get the stories.  Music Box members receive a 10% off the book and 25% off the lesson plans.

Make sure to take advantage of the $50 off Teacher Training for Music Box members through May 15! If you have taken the training before, training will be HALF price for you!  Make one of the 3 fun locations part of your summer vacation!  Hope to see you for this special 4 day training.  Sign up today for a teacher training consultation

Thanks for your contributions the past week!  I love seeing you in the Box! Congratulations again to Carla and Harold for winning our door prizes for the webinar. 

Happy Music Making,



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