From a simple dance to Orff with recorder, this song just makes you smile! Here’s our animated video to introduce the children to the Turkey Song and give yourself some much needed vocal rest! (It’s short, so repeat it! ha)
I’m so excited to announce the summer LIVE training will be at our annual location, Redondo Beach Hotel, June 25-28, here in my neighborhood AND on the east coast at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark, Aug 17-20!
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As the weather begins to change and holidays get closer and closer it is time to pull from our rich musical history and share our favorite turkey songs! Here at Music Rhapsody we have had almost 40 years of holidays to find our favorite turkey songs. Below are three of our favorites that you can sing and dance to with your children for years to come.
Shoo Turkey (Kitchen Music Video)
This turkey classic is filled with fun! It will get you and your family up and running around the house singing ‘Shoo turkey shoo shoo’. Many times, this song has ended with families in a heap on the floor laughing and giggling with kids screaming to do it again! Below is a fun video with Teacher Ann showing how you can find instruments all over your home and sing and dance with them to Shoo Turkey. You can practice the rhythms for “yes ma’am” and “so-so” with your homemade kitchen instruments.
The Turkey Song (Animation Video)
This folky turkey song is a recent favorite, from Lynn Kleiner’s Award Winning book and CD – Holiday Winter Songs & Adventures. This silly song gets most children laughing because of the turkey’s stinky feet. Be sure to check out this cute animation your children will want to watch over and over again!
Turkey Feathers (Thankful Turkey Activity)
This song is one we use in our classrooms during the month of November. Colorful feathers are passed out to each child then we sing ‘Turkey, turkey, where’s your hair?’ then as the teacher sings the color for their feather, (“What color is this one? This one is the orange one”) they hold it up and put in on the felt turkey so it has feathers. By the time every student has had a chance to put a feather on the turkey, the turkey has a beautiful body filled with colorful feathers! Here are the felt board and turkey felts we use.
Bonus – The Thankful Turkey Activity
Every November we sing the turkey feather song and put a bare turkey on a bulletin board in our classroom! This turkey is known as the Thankful Turkey. Every student can pick a colorful feather as they walk into the classroom, write what they are thankful for that day, and fill the bare turkey with beautiful feathers! This is a simple activity that you can do at home with your children during the month of November. By the end of the month our board is filled with colorful feathers!