Four Songs of the Sea Concerts last week and what I really love
As always, Scuba Man was a big hit at the Songs of the Sea Concerts last week!
I loved how the alto metallophone can accompany Scuba Man so beautifully. Just play these chords in root position going down, then back up. I use 3 mallets, with two in the right hand.
Chord progression: A minor – G major – F major – E minor
DIVING FOR TREASURES! Our special treasure box contains rings, gold, shells, fish…
The soloists weren’t worried for one second when singing their solo; they just couldn’t wait to see what treasure they were going to get to hold! It was also a joy to watch the children behind the soloists, who were trying to see what treasures their friends would get. They were so happy the teacher kept saying “hold your treasure high so everyone can see them!”
For us, it’s all about the singing! Have a listen to these little soloists matching their teacher.
And always a huge hit is Sandy Sand!
All the kids giggled when we sang “You got sand in your belly button.” Really?? They’ve heard that for 8 weeks and it’s still the funniest thing ever?! I guess because they finally got to share it with their parents.
Larry the Lobster was another great moment.
It was precious when our teacher said, “Here comes Larry!” and then one child shouted, “I love Larry!” Then another child shouted to his mom from the bass xylophone and said, “This is when I tremolo on A!”
I also loved how one boy sang every solo with the teacher in “Down by the Ocean” instead of doing the children’s part, which was the echo.
I hope you are finding the same joy in your concerts and classes. If you need help, just ask me in the Box!
GREAT things ahead! Join me for SUMMER FUN!
Happy Music Making!