A Story With Music For You & 1 Month Left to Save Big
How about a music vacay this summer? Something that’ll make you fall even more in love with teaching?
Join me for teacher training in Redondo Beach, CA or Newark, NJ!
Only ONE month left! Register by March 15, and the Earliest Bird Special Rate will save you $150 on tuition!
Returning teachers, if you’ve attended online or live training in the past, register now and you’ll save a grand total of $399.
If you aren’t available these dates and can’t make the trip, don’t worry — online training is ready anytime! Music Rhapsody Members, you always have access to online training in your teacher area.
Here’s how teachers are describing their teacher training experience:
It’s not just a song! “Ferdinand” has drama, emotion, adventure, suspense, and joy! This has become a favorite of mine around Valentine’s Day since Ferdinand’s mother is full of love! Order the bestselling book, The Story of Ferdinand, in our Music Rhapsody shop. Music Rhapsody Members, Ferdinand is also part of the Melody Makers lesson plans.
Children are delighted to create the music for Ferdinand and the other bulls; this requires two very different styles! The lesson introduces terms and symbols for piano, forte, and crescendo, as well as suggested sound effects and a song with easy Orff accompaniment.