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Rhythm Readers


Monthly Tuition (4-week) $140

Initial payment includes registration fee & required materials. Returning students must have been enrolled in the most recent school year and/or summer.

Want to come to classes twice a week? Call us at 310-376-8646 to find out how to save 20% on a 2nd class! 



Rhythm Readers with Introduction to Piano – Ages 5-7 without Parent

Music Rhapsody | 1603 Aviation Boulevard Redondo Beach, California  90278 | (310) 376-8646

Space limited, enroll today!  

Class length: 55 minutes

This class is for children who have had the Introduction Classes and have the recommendation of the teachers to continue with this more advanced class. Songs and games reinforce concepts taught in the Introduction Classes: beat, rhythm, melody, form, harmony, expressive qualities. Improvisation continues and beginning notation is now taught. Visual and written work is included in the lessons. Movement and beginning folk dance continue. More benefits: Lays a solid foundation for musical aptitude and music literacy. Develops coordination, concentration, and self-confidence through group singing and playing.

This class includes an introduction to the extremely successful, non-traditional Simply Music Piano Program! Students will apply concepts of beat, rhythm, and phrasing they learn in class, while improvising on black or white keys. Students also learn note names and where they are on the piano, and make up their own rhythms with groups of notes they’ve learned. Rhythm Readers sets up students for success in our piano program when they are old enough to enroll.

4-Week Tuition: $140 plus one-time registration fee of $20 (returning student one-time registration fee $10)

Materials needed for in-person class: $35
Includes materials for lessons & music, crayons, pencil, binder, and bag.


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