Maximum participation happens when our music lesson is about COSTUMES! You can see and feel the excitement rise when you talk about the fun of seeing trick-or-treaters at your door.
Explain to your class that you would love to know their favorite costume so we will pretend to be groups of trick-or-treaters. Give each child a tone block and mallet. (Allow some exploration time to try different kinds of “knocking”) Ask the kids to find a fun way to be “knocking” at the door by playing on their tone block after you sing each phrase of “Somebody’s knocking at the door.” Check out my class from long, long ago!
Click on link above video thumbnailAfter singing “Who’s that tapping on the window? Who’s that knocking at the door?”, each child in the group can sing their costume “It’s __________.” Repeat the two songs and hear the solos of the next “trick-or-treaters” group. Repeat the songs and solos until each group has sung.
Check out this free download to see our rhyming animals, and the trick-or-treaters. Use them as SMARTBoard or Power Point visuals or print them out.
Teacher “Is it the cat?”
Class or soloist matching the same pitches: “No not the cat.”
Teacher: Is it the bat? Etc…
These two songs can be found in Kids Make Music, Babies Make Music Too!
“Somebody’s Knockin” “Who’s That?” page 79, 97
Music Rhapsody Members: This is in the Kids Make Music Lesson Plans, Module 2.
See you in for lots more lesson videos, recordings and plans.