A teacher asked for easy Orff activities. Here's one we've been enjoying lately since we are planning a Farm theme for all our preschool-grade 1 concerts this year. This is from the book/CD Farm Songs and the Sounds of Moo-sic, "I Plant a Little Seed."...
Orff Lesson Plans
Free Play! Sing and play-along with Lynn Kleiner’s CDs
Why is it Important? Music Rhapsody students often arrive for their Orff class a few minutes early. As they enter the classroom, familiar music is coming from the speakers and Orff instruments are set up in the same pentatonic key as the music....
Concert Plans for Preschool, Elementary with Orff
Orff pieces have been requested to the Mountain theme concert lesson plans found in Downloads in Lynn Kleiner’s Music Box. The concert plan includes songs for small percussion, scarves, movement but some have requested Orff accompanied songs. Since the request...