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Big Kids Instrument Kit


Unavailable At This Time

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Purple-trimmed backpack contains:

Big Kids Instrument Kit with or without DVD

  • Small Ocean Drum: Looks as good as it sounds! Children love the delightful ocean characters and colorful beads inside the blue trimmed ocean drum! Play it like a hand drum …or create the sound of ocean waves by tipping the drum slowly from one side to the other.
  • Children’s Glockenspiel: It may look like many others, but this one is very special! This colorful glockenspiel has a very sweet tone quality that is accurately pitched with a diatonic range from C to C. The rounded edges and removable bars make this especially child friendly. Pair of mallets included.” This high quality instrument is great for early childhood in that letter names are indicated on each of the individual colored bars.




SKU: 5007 Category:

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