Online Training Frequently Asked Questions
How do I prepare for my “Graduation” online meeting?
- Watch all videos, study all documents, and review the Quick Quizzes
- Have your ukulele tuned and play the “Tideo” Hello song and the “Come My Friends” Beethoven Goodbye song on ukulele.
- Be ready to play a “Tideo” improvisation on your sopranino in C pentatonic.
- Answer a few easy questions from the training
How can I keep my access to online training once I graduate?
Become a Music Rhapsody Member! As a Music Rhapsody member, not only will you keep your access to online training, but you will have access to all of our curriculum! This includes a school years’ worth of detailed lesson plans, recordings, videos, and much more for early childhood through elementary age groups. You will also have access to our Members Only Store, free registration to special Music Rhapsody workshops/events, discounts for purchases, concert plans and a complimentary membership to Music Box where you can enjoy continued support from the Music Rhapsody team!
As a member, do I need to follow the curriculum exactly as laid out in Lynn’s Music Rhapsody lesson plans?
Our program prides itself on the flexibility of our training and versatile materials that we provide teachers all around the globe! We, of course, invite any studio teachers to become an endorsed “Music Rhapsody Studio.” This would require having a gathering drum in your studio, following the classroom setup and age group specifications (with each student/parent purchasing the appropriate backpack of instruments), and following Lynn’s lessons exactly as they are laid out. Although this is the ideal scenario, many teachers are in a different teaching situation! These lessons can easily be adapted for school, daycare, church, studios and home classes! In fact, most teachers do find themselves adapting the plans in some way to match their age group/instruments available/teaching space/etc.
How do I know which age group is appropriate for my class?
This is exactly why we open all age groups for you right away when you access your membership. Since you have access to all curriculum, you can go through the materials ahead of time and decide which curriculum matches best with your student’s musicianship. Sometimes it even makes sense to use one age group plan with two different age levels in your program! If you have specific questions, feel free to ask in Music Box forums or e-mail us directly!