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Froggy Goes to School (download only)

Froggy Goes to School (download only)

Become a member of Lynn Kleiner’s Music Box and receive 25% off!

This delightful story includes everything a teacher would want to include in a music lesson: movement, singing with a pitch-matching activity, orchestral music, instrument playing, and improvisation.
Source: Story by Jonathan London. Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz. Lesson and Song by Lynn Kleiner. Optional Kangaroo from Kids Can Listen, Kids Can Move book and CD.
Page Count: 5
Age Group: Ages 3 – 8
Number of Lessons: Shown as one lesson, this can be presented over 2-3 lessons.
Tip from Lynn: This has become a favorite of mine for the beginning of the school year when I am introducing or reviewing rules and guidelines of the classroom and the Orff instruments.

For the related story book, see Froggy Goes to School

Download link will be available on invoice. Just click on the title.

Froggy Goes To School

Froggy Goes To School

Author: Jonathan London and Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz

For a unique and exciting lesson with Orff, see Froggy Goes to School, a delightful lesson plan and song for the beginning of the school year. Learning the rules and guidelines of the music room will be so much fun when you use this story and song.

Is Froggy nervous about the first day of school? Well, just a little. First he has a terrible nightmare, dreaming that he almost misses the bus and shows up at school in his underwear. Then when he does wake up, he drops the milk just as he’s about to pour some on his bowl of flies! Finally Froggy makes it out the door, leapfrogging the whole way, eager for all the challenges that await him in this comical, brightly illustrated tale of a daunting-but-rewarding first day at school.

Ages: 4-8
Pages: 32
Published: Viking Juvenile 1996

Back to School Music

Many Music Box teachers are preparing for their return to school. I thought I would highlight a few places to look on Music Box for some review or something new for your school year.  Hopefully this will also help new members find their way around Music Box. Check out these places from your Music Box home page once you log in. Please feel free to add to the discussions!

(Remember there are several pages to the Forum and Blog, see bottom for page numbers to see more!)

A Few Back to School Highlights

Forum – Topics – Vocal Health

Blog Discipline, Class Control

Articles –  Student Rules and Teacher Guidelines

Videos Puppet Tips, Music Box Sopranino Video, Ukulele Lesson 1

Downloads – Songs:  Choose a new Hello Song  (Use this to learn names, for transitions and more)

Downloads – Stories: Froggy Goes to School (Great for rules, echos, pitch matching, beat and more)

Some new Fall materials are coming soon.

Happy School Year!




Ocean Music for Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2

Ocean Music for Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2


Songs of the Sea will be something very SPECIAL with smooth sailing for all when you incorporate some of these exciting items!

Song Resources: Songs of the Sea Book/CD, In All Kinds of Weather Book/CD, Kids Make Music, Babies Make Music Too Book/CD

PROPS! Don’t forget all our colorful fun props!  Consider using pom poms for The Waves

Or use the Stretchy Band for The Ship Goes Sailing on the Sea (from In All Kinds of Weather). Also from in All Kinds of Weather, use it with Five Handsome Sailors. These could  also be fun with the parachute.

Our movement activities introduce musical concepts as it improves language development, and stimulates the vestibular system as it improves timing and coordination. Ten Fish in the Sea (Movement)

Orff with stories and puppets is always a hit with our 3-7 year olds. Everyone loves Larry

Hula Hoops – Going Over the Sea

Balloons– En Bateau – use the parachute to sail the balloon or each parent and child can sail them back and forth while listening to this beautiful piece of music, such a great one to introduce to your families from our Songs of the Sea CD.

Consider Streamers instead of scarves and pretend you are dancing like an octopus for Ten Fish in the Sea.

Dancing Fish, turtles or Larry the Lobster are fun on top of the gathering drum and Echo Friends with FISH finger puppets can follow Ten Fish in the Sea is awesome with our  little fish puppets. Don’t forget to let them dance on the gathering drum, hide underneath for the “low” verse and get up and run around the drum for swam in a circle! SPANISH version is on the Spanish Music Rhapsody CD!

Sandy Sand: Don’t shake until “Shake, shake, shake, shake it off now. Use shaker as a microphone and place shaker on every body part where there is sand. For example, place shaker on head after hearing “you’ve got sand on your head.”

Scuba Man AND the TREASURE BOX (for older classes) – be sure the children bend their knees to go gradually down as the singing goes down and go gradually up as singing goes back up. For older kids, let them choose something from the treasure box a few times during the summer – encouraging them to come back since when we sing Scuba Man, they may find a treasure they want to keep!

Fish finger puppets and big sea life puppets,, should be enjoyed for the beloved Larry the Lobster, Ten Fish in the Sea, and the rhymes from the Songs of the Sea book.

STORIES! For older kids, Froggy Learns To Swim is a great summer story. The detailed lesson plan with song, including suggestions for instrument parts and Orff, is available from Lynn Kleiner’s Music Box.

OCEAN DRUMS!  Music Rhapsody will order whatever size you need: small, medium and LARGE! Slow tipping then turning is the key to the beautiful sound of waves you can produce with this unique drum. Enjoy for an accompaniment while singing Scuba Man, play along on some of the Sea Songs from our Songs of the Sea CD, or while you sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat.

Looking for my Ocean Lesson Plan Pack?  You can get it here!








Newsletter 10.7.16

Newsletter 10.7.16


Dear Music Box Friends,

Many of us doing the ages 3-6 year lesson plans from Music Rhapsody and Music Box membership have been enjoying frogs! Froggy Goes to School, Jump Frog Jump, Ten Little Froggies from Jungle Beat, and more. Here is another video of the Jump Frog Jump activity with my 4-6 year olds using instruments from our Young Musicians Instrument Kit.


And now….time for the Facebook drawing to see who won our froggy packet on facebook! Drum roll please………………….


Just a reminder to our new members and those of you who would like a little more info on what is available, take a little tour with Eric. You can also contact Eric for any additional questions.

Daily Rewards! I had a question from one of my schools. Will you be doing “Somebody’s Knockin? We really love that one”. These frequent requests for my songs make me feel so grateful. The lessons and materials that I did so long ago, this one is in my first book, Kids Make Music, Babies Make Music Too, are still loved and requested. So much has changed but giving a child the gift of music from a creative playful approach still has the same rich rewards.


As as a thank you to all of you, free to our MB members this week: a new way to introduce Somebody’s Knockin’ PowerPoint/SMARTboard visuals! Of course, the children LOVE singing solos for all my rhyming puppets for the solo singing. How many rhyming animals can you find? See the end to find out who is knockin’!

Need some help? Use the SEARCH feature in Music Box! Click ASK Lynn questions!

Join me at one of my upcoming workshops!

October 15 San Diego Orff Chapter
October 22 Atlanta Orff Chapter


Happy Music Making,





A peek at Rhythm Readers Music Lesson Plans

A peek at Rhythm Readers Music Lesson Plans

Here’s a bit from one of our Rhythm Reader plans showing the movement part of the lesson. This is in lesson 3 & 4, based on half notes for the slow walk to look for frogs (remember, we just had “Froggy Goes to School” to learn our rules and for pitch matching and now we’re moving into our “Jump Frog Jump” lesson) then moving to our jumping frogs.

Have a peek at these rhythmic jumping frogs.

Click on link above video thumbnail

Training and weekly music lesson plans (with video of me with students doing the activities, all recordings, visuals, are more) is always accessible to Music Rhapsody members. This includes the Music Box membership where right now, we have great topics being discussed and fall lessons highlighted. If you are not a member, you can also get many plans from

Name Games and Other Ways to Learn All Those Names!

Wow!  There’s lots of names to learn at the beginning of the school year!  Here’s a few music activities I use at the beginning of the year from several of my different age groups.

Little Secrets: I highly recommend having a list of the class names and a pencil ready.  Sometimes those little personal notes (notes for only YOU to see!) will help you remember a child’s name such as curly hair, very tall, huge smile, freckles,  etc.

Lots of Name Calling! The more you force yourself to use the child’s name, the faster you will learn them, the more classroom control you will have, and the more bonding you will have with your students. Include things like “when I sing your name, come get a hand drum” or “when I sing “Goodbye Billy” you sing the same notes “Goodbye Mrs. Kleiner” and line up at the door.   

Names on the list you cannot remember:  Say “If I call your name, please come get the instruments to pass out to your class.”  Then call the names of children you do not know!

First and Last Name Game: Seated in a circle, as everyone pats the beat, one says “My first name is Lynn.”  Everyone echoes “Your first name is Lynn.”  “My last name is Kleiner.”  Everyone echos “Your last name is Kleiner.” Still to a 4 beat rhythm (hopefully!), the leader says their full name Lynn Kleiner. Everyone echoes Lynn Kleiner.  Then everyone says and does the following: “Next (pat) what’s (clap) yours?(point to the next person for their turn)”

First Name Food Game: Everyone has a hand drum.  One child will also have a tambourine, indicating who’s turn it is.  The one with the tambourine plays the beat and says My name is Lynn and I like mangos(name a food).  Everyone echos, playing the beat on their drum, Her name is Lynn and she likes mangos. The tambourine is passed to the next person who then says their name and favorite food.

Froggy Name Game: The kindergarten and grade one love my Funny Frog. He loves to jump to visit each student.  I throw Funny Frog as I sing “Sing me your name.”  The child who catches Funny Frog then throws it back and sings their name (hopefully using the same pitches).  I then catch the frog and sing the child’s name using the exact pitches the child used.   This activity is followed with my favorite back to school story to introduce the “rules” of the music room, Orff instruments, etc, called “Froggy Goes to School.”

Hello Song for Names: For my youngest (Babies – age 5), I introduce one of my “Hello Songs.”  I have several to choose from in Lynn Kleiner’s Music Box but I suggest using the same one all year.  Its much more than just a “Hello Song,”  it’s  also used as a transition, instrument playing (ukulele, gathering drum, and more), movement, etc. In Music Box Downloads, the Hello songs include notation and many teaching suggestions. Encourage everyone to sing the child’s name:  Hello __________, Hello ___________, Hello ___________, or however indicated in the song.

Creative Names to Echo:  Name, name what’s your name, Say it now, none are the same. Say it high, say it low, say it fast or say it slow.  The student “performs” their name, the class echos, the teacher echos.

For other back to school tips, check out

"Stories with Music" in Music Box

There is a musical story for every special time of year in your classroom. Detailed lesson plans for the following books are in Music Box so far:

Back to School:  Froggy Goes to School, The Very Busy Spider

Winter: The Snowy Day, Froggy Gets Dressed

Valentine’s Day  Ferdinand

Mother’s Day : Five Little Monkeys Bake a Birthday Cake

Books are available at Use your Music Box member discount code found on the home page.

See the forum for other lesson plan ideas using story books.

We are working on Songs of the Sea Concert plan and the 4 and 5 year old lesson plans with Orff instrument activities included. Coming soon to Lynn Kleiner’s Music Box!



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